SHINSUI Itō (1898-1972)
Face Powder. 1923.
- Category
- Japanese | Beauties
- Series
- New Twelve Images of Modern Beauties
- Publisher
- Shōzaburō Watanabe. First edition 6/200
dai ōban tate-e, 25.6 cm × 43.3 cm
Excellent impression with mica ground and gauffrage on the towel. Very good colour and condition. A rare pre-Earthquake bijin-e.
Shinsui specialised in pictures of beautiful women (bijin-ga) and he became one of the most prolific designers in this genre. The female figure is depicted semi-naked, clutching a jar of face powder. The shimmering blue mica background (highlighted in the picture) draws attention to the figure's pale white flesh and creates the illusion of a steamy spa.
Signed Shinsui ga with Shinsui seal. Watanabe 6mm A seal (Pre earthquake 1918-1924) Edition 6/200 printed verso. Nihyaku mai kagiri zeppan, dai roku ban (200 limited edition, number 6).
SHINSUI Itō (1898-1972)
Firefly (Hotaru). 6/1934.
- Category
- Japanese | Beauties
- Series
- The Second Series of Modern Beauties (Gendai bijinshu dai-nishu)
- Publisher
- Shōzaburō Watanabe. Ed. 115/250
dai ōban tate-e, 28.4 cm × 44.0 cm
Excellent impression, colour and condition.
A beautiful woman, wearing a light summer yukata, catches a firefly with her uchiwa fan. Fireflies are ephemeral creatrues. They emerge from their crysallis in June and viewing the fireflies' glow on a summer's evening has always been a popular pastime in Japan (Hotaru-gari).
Signed Shinsui ga with artist's seal Shinsui. Dated Showa kyunen rokugatsu (Showa 9 [1934], June with Watanabe C 'sausage seal (1929-1942) in right margin. Numbered on verso 115/250.